Water and Sanitation Projects
Ongoing projects under WatSan:
Project Name: South Asian WaSH Result Program-II,Ragarhat, Kurigram
VERC has been implementing the project from June, 2008 at Kaliakoir in Gazipur district funded by water.org, USA to address sustainable improvement of environmental health status of rural poor people and improved health and hygiene behaviour. After the successful completion of the project the 2nd phase has been started from November, 2011 and it will continue till April, 2013
Major activities carried out during the reporting period
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- Community Situation Analysis (CSA) reviewed and CAP has been revised in 159 CBO with the active participation of CBO members and LGI representative.
- Renovated 65 water facilities which facilitate to increased access to safe water to 853 poor marginalized and excluded group of the community people. To ensure safe water Arsenic test carried out in all 65 water points before plat form construction.
- Keeping the water point functional 185 Water point management Committee meeting has been organised during the reporting year.
- In addition to organize 2585 courtyard meetings a total of 540 menstrual hygiene sessions, 520 arsenic sessions, 49 film shows,1448 CTC sessions, 219 tea stall sessions and 168 school sessions have been conducted to increase good hygiene practice at different levels.
- Capacity building for 108 CBO, CAC members has been organized in three different issues on WASH
- Activate LGIs (Union and Ward level sanitation task force) and capacitate them on WASH rights and on relevant issues, a total of 846 meeting were held during the reporting period.
- Increased safe sanitation coverage to 16123 people through installation of 3705 household level improved latrine facilities.
Project Name:South Asian WaSH Result Program-II, Ullahpara, Sirajgonj
This is a small scale innovative ongoing project supported by VERC own fund. This project depends on the demand that prevails for water points, latrines and hygiene practices in the specified project locations and meet the demand. The project demands in respect of latrine coverage, water point renovation and installation, hygiene practice have been achieved significantly in the project area.
Major activities carried out during the reporting period
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- Community Situation Analysis (CSA) and Community Action plan (CAP) prepared in 20 CBO with the active participation of CBO members and LGI representative.
- Formed 20 CBO and arranged 240 meeting with CBOs.
- Renovated 24 water facilities which facilitate to increased access to safe water to 256 poor marginalized and excluded group of the community people. To ensure safe water Arsenic test carried out in all 24 water points before plat form construction.
- In addition to organize 825 HP session a total 45 film show ,115 CTC session, 170 tea stall session , 45 school session and 45 campaign have been organized to increase good hygiene practices at different level .
- Capacity building on Hygiene Promotion (HP) for 40 CBO members has been organized.
- Activate LGIs (Union and Ward level sanitation task force) and capacitate them on WASH and on relevant issues, a total of 48 meetings were held during the reporting period.
- Increased safe sanitation coverage to 2574 people through installation of 687 household level improved latrine facilities.
Project Name: South Asian WaSH Result Program-II, Lalmohan & Charfassion, Bhola
Monoharganj is one of the serious most arsenic affected upazila of the country which is having 98% of its STWs affected by this contamination. People of the area are highly vulnerable to the contamination and there is an estimated 3334 arsenicosis patients. The project is aimed at addressing the situation of people living in the upazila. The WASH project is being planned to be implemented covering a population of about 2, 70,051 in 172 villages of Monoharganj upazila in Comilla district. This is a software focused innovative project where WSTF, USTF, CBOs, Schools other relevant stakeholders will play the key role for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation process to sustain the project achievements. Main thrust of the project is to enhance the capabilities of the stakeholders. It will help to achieve more benefits on WASH especially to the poor, hard-core poor, marginalized and vulnerable people in a sustainable manner. The UNICEF funded project started in June, 2010 in Monoharganj upazila of Comilla district.
Major activities carried out during the reporting period
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- Community situation analysis (CSA) reviewed and community action plans (CAP) have been revised in 394 CBOs and new CSA and CAP developed in 156 CBOs with the active participation of CBO members and LGI representative.
- CBOs organized 1685 meetings during the reporting period.
- School Situation Analysis (SSA) and School Action Plan (SAP) also conducted in 27 schools to assess the base WASH situation at school level.
- Project supported 59 DTWs with 60 multiple connection with 20 Rain Water Harvesting systems and renovated 21 water facilities (DTWs) at community, institutions and public place levels. Arsenic free safe water support increased among 22152 beneficiaries during the reporting period.
- Keeping the water point functional 139 Water point management Committee meeting has been organised during the reporting year.
- In addition to organize 1678 courtyard meeting a total of 550 menstrual hygiene sessions, 1531 arsenic session, 1373 WSP sessions and 330 school sessions have been conducted to increase good hygiene practices at different level .
- A total of 97 batches of capacity building initiatives have been undertaken for 1414 members from LGI, CBO, SMC member has been organized on four different WASH issues.
- Activating the LGI (Union and Ward level sanitation task force) and capacitate them on WASH rights and relevant issues, a total of 846 meetings were held during the reporting period.
- Increased safe sanitation coverage to 13278 people through installation of 829 household level hygienic latrines and renovation of 1207 latrines.
Project Name: Community led Sustainable stunting free Villages Project,Chhatak, Shylet
The project ‘Claiming Rights of Children to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Bangladesh’ is an effort to work with WASH from a child rights perspective as a means to improve WASH services and practices to realise children’s rights to survival and development on an equitable basis. This project has been developed on the basis of the learning of a pilot project forms a part with the joint initiative of VERC, WaterAid Bangladesh (WAB) and Save the Children Finland (SCF) aiming to advance children’s access to WASH by basing the work on various elements of child rights programming (CRP). The pilot project has been implemented in 2 selected words in Basupara Union Parisad under Bagmara upazila (sub-district) in Rajshahi district in Bangladesh. This is also an extended form of pilot project which will be implemented in 172 communities in all the words of Basupara and Ganipur unions under same upazila and District. The project also worked on and raising awareness among parents, community people, teachers, SMCs, Local Govt. representatives and GOB officials on it.
Major activities carried out during the reporting period
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- Cultural team permuted theatre and organized joyful session to promote their (Children) rights, open UP; voice raised & articulates various issues basically WASH rights in the community, institution and at family level. In the reporting period 24 shows has been performed by the cultural team Gonipur & Basupara Union. In the show the team performed theatre named was “Bhol” & “Sakhinara”. About 8000 community people enjoyed and learned from the performance.
- A series of dialogue sessions initiated in the community, institutions level to make people aware of WASH rights and for mobilizing them to claim WASH services. In these dialogue sessions, participants analyzed their WASH situation, discussed about their sufferings for water crisis, identified the responsible authority that should work on it and tried to find out the way to claim and fulfilment of their WASH rights.
- Developed of CR based WASH related IEC and BCC materials.
- 1445 beneficiaries participated on Leadership Training on Right based thinking for CAC also 6 staffs attended on Leadership Training on Right based thinking for CAC
- Integrating education institutions as key actors in the process
- During the reporting period 405 latrines installed and 300 latrines renovated at household level which covered 3226 beneficiaries.
- Served 1526 beneficiaries through installation of 73 water points and renovated 41 Water points.
- To promote hand wash practice in the community and institutions level, a total of 806 courtyard sessions, campaign has been organized.
- In the reporting period 368 interactive meeting/dialogue with the Children, Adult/School authority, CAC/CBO has been facilitated. In these dialogue sessions, participants analyzed their WASH situation, discussed about their sufferings for water crisis, identified the responsible authority that should work on it and tried to find out the way to claim and fulfilment of their WASH rights.
- The Children are skilled to articulate their (Children) rights, open up, voice raise & articulate various issues basically WaSH rights in the community through Joyful Session. During the reporting period 168 Joyful sessions were facilitated to promote, institution & family level.
Project Name: Improved WASH Services for the Rohingya Refugees and host Communities, Ukhiya, Cox's bazar
With the support of Water Aid in Bangladesh VERC has been implementing a Project Titled “Rural WaSH” since April 2011. After the successful completion of previous project (ASEH and EEHCO) the Rural WaSH project has been initiated. The project is more focused on rights of poor and excluded people. Through the project VERC is trying to promote WaSH rights in the community and service provider. The major outcomes of the project are, poor and excluded people are able to demand sanitation service, establish their access to sustainable WaSH facilities and policy makers, LGI & Service agencies are sensitized regarding WaSH rights. Ultimately all the outcomes contribute for achieving national WaSH goal as well as MGD’s.
Sustainable improvement of WASH and reduction of related risks of the rural poor communities with special attention to the poorest, marginalized and vulnerable population
Major activities carried out during the reporting period
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- CSA reviewed and CAP has been revised in 292 CBOs with the active participation of CBO and LGI representative.
- VERC provided 18 tara-2 extractable model tube wells and renovated 378 water facilities. On the other hand 400 water facilities installed by the other stakeholder e.g. Union Parishad, LGED and DPHE. Increased access to safe water to 14667 poor and excluded people.
- A total 18 Management committee have been formed for water facilities operation and maintenance. Management took initiative for major repairing and maintenance, during the period 746 water point management committee meeting held. Meanwhile 899 caretakers have been selected for water facilities.
- A total 640 water testing events to substantiate safe drinking water have been completed.
- Ignition sessions on sludge management have been conducted in 107 CBO for replication. During the period a total 28 pit have been prepared for sludge composting in different communities.
- In addition to organize 3839 court yard meeting a total 11 WSP campaign have been conducted in 11 unions. A cultural team has been formed for this purpose. The team performed Gomvira and folk song on WSP messages. More than 37500 people has been participated both the HP session received key messages HP.
- Hand washing at five critical moments is the main HP sessions content during the reporting period. In this period a significant number session have been conducted on HP. As a result people moving to proper hygiene practice and some of the cases they demonstrated this. As an outcome of the Hygiene Promotion (HP session) a total 768 house hold level hand washing device have been installed by the community during the period and use accordingly.
- Ward level Citizens Action Committee (WCAC) meeting held with the active participation of CAC member. Total 472 WCAC organized their meeting.
- 18138 people have access to sanitation coverage. During the reporting period a total 1174 household level hygienic latrine installed and 2845 household level hygienic latrine renovated.
- A total 46 DAP friendly toilet have been installed.
- A total 2755 household based solid waste management system and 549 household based waste water management system have been developed and practiced accordingly.
- During the period a total 768 house hold level hand washing device have been installed and use accordingly.
- A total 100 selected Adolescent girls received training on MHM. Among the trained adolescent girls provided a pocket book and a Guideline on MHM issue. They will act as ambassador to convey the key Hygiene knowledge to ensure proper MHM with in the community.
- One batch of refresher training has been conducted for skilled mechanics. Total participants ware 25 all are male.
- Conducted open budget exercise and ward level planning meeting with LGI in Hamirkutsha Union. For the 2012-2013 fiscal years UP increased their sanitation budget in response of CBO and CAC members demand.
Project Name: Emergency Response Through Energy Project,Ukhiya, Cox's bazar
Bolstering demand for sanitation study project is implementing at four unions- Badhair, Chanduria, Pachandar and Saranjai of Tanore Upazila in Rajshahi district. The project named “Bolstering Demand for Improved Sanitation when Adoption Decisions across Households are inter-linked” has been supported by Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) in collaboration with Water Aid Bangladesh and VERC. At a glance four projected union household status:
Name of Union
Project objectives
This is an action research based project with the following objectives:
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- The project will provide clear evidence for policy-makers on how to increase adoption of sanitary technologies and behaviours that counter the major public health threat posed by poor sanitary conditions and practices.
- To further scientific understanding of fundamental question of decision-making in groups and collectives. The organization of economic activity through informal cooperatives is a common feature of life in developing countries. Treatment will vary individual vs. group incentives in a novel application of randomization to study group incentives and dynamics
- To analyze the effectiveness of sanitation technology at improving “downstream outcomes” such as changes in neighbours' behaviours, social norms, household time use and health etc.
- To create a new, publicly available dataset of the use of sanitation products in rural Bangladesh with particular emphasis on technology adoption by and behavioural interaction between neighbours. The dataset will also be useful for sociological studies of neighbourly communication and cooperation and consequences of technology adoption on households
- After completion of project, dataset will be placed in public domain
Project study design
The project will consist of (1) identification of set of suitable study village (2) a baseline survey (3) marketing and sales of pour-flash latrine and (4) follow-up survey to capture take up, continued use and impacts In a no. of health, economic and social dimensions. The primary outcomes of interest will be to purchase and subsequent use of improved latrine facilities.
Responsibility of tri-party
The IPA will take primary responsibility for data collection and evaluation. Water Aid will take primary responsibility for implementation, and will contribute to evaluation through its implementing partner VERC with regular supervision and monitoring at field. Three hundred and eighty clusters have been prepared in four project union. Every cluster is consistent of on an average fifty household. Maximum three types of treatment have been applied in one cluster. The treatments are as follows:
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- Latrine Promotion program (LPP)
- LPP and Subsidies
- LPP, Supply and Subsidies
- Supply only
- Control (No intervention)
Hygiene Promotion activities carried out from the project
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- Project orientation and foundation training on all the treatment has been completed in different duration in the reporting period.
- Since this is an action research project, there were some HP activities carried out under this project like CBO meeting-501, courtyard meeting – 559, menstrual hygiene session -86 CTC session-229 and WSP session -23.
Project Name: Community Led Sustainable Improved Cook-stove Program of Savar, Keraniganj, Kaliakoir, Bagmara, Mohonpur & Durgapur Upazila
Village Education Resource Center (VERC) has undertaken action research on Urban Poverty Reduction at Zianagar slum in Rajshahi City, under the financial and technical cooperation of WaterAid Bangladesh. The purpose of the project is sustainable improvement of WaSH and reduction of related risks of the poor slum people with special attention to the poorest, marginalized and vulnerable population.
The objective of the project is given below:
Improve rights related understanding and access to safe water to poor communities with special attention to the poorest, marginalized and vulnerable. Policy level advocacy works to make policies favourable to the needs of slum people.
Increase access to the improved hygienic latrine with special attention to the disabled and poorest of the poor.
Increase hygiene behaviour practice at personal, household, public place and institution level of project area. Introduce learning of piloting activities considering the sustainability issue and introducing best practice knowledge.
The report covers the period January-June 2012 and major focuses during this period were given on capacity building to CBO, mobilization of community, formation and meeting of CBOs, training/ orientation to community members, hygiene promotion, and repair/renovation of water supply facilities in the slum.
Major activities:
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- CSAs conducted and accordingly new action plan developed at 6 CBO
- A detail assessment were carried out to see the existing WASH situation in the slum
- Capacity building on WASH issues organized for 99 beneficiaries.
- Exposure Visit considering on DEWATS at Khulna
- Covered 87 households consisting of 321 people through renovated of 05 tap stands platforms.
- Covered 96 slum peoples through installation of 3 latrines and renovated 17 latrines at household level.
Project Name: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Benefits of WASH plus Nutrition Interventions on Child Growth
The WASH Benefits Study aims to implement and evaluate interventions that improve household Sanitation in rural Bangladesh. The dual pit latrine allows householders to safely divert waste into a second pit when the first is full. The contents of the full pit will then decompose over time when its contents can be removed safely and used for agricultural manure. Upgrading the simple single pit latrine into the dual pit latrine reduces the faecal contamination chance into the environment ultimately having an improved child growth status. This project is funded by ICDDR, B. A total of 232 sets of high quality latrine materials has been produced through intensive monitoring in the production centre and supported to build 85 latrine superstructures under the guidance of ICDDR’B field research team.
The primary objective of the piloting is to support guiding ICDDR, B larger WATSAN Sanitation intervention through produced quality sanitation hardware in selected area.
Working Area
Unions of Karimganj Upazilla under Kishorganj district are:
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- Jafrabad: Three villages (Shimultala , Rajkunti, Majherkona)
- Joyka: Three villages (Khedirpur, West Kandail, Kamaratia)
- Dehunda: Two villages (Bhatiagang Para, Bhatia Mir Para)
Project Name: Freshwater Action Network South Asia- Bangladesh (FANSA –BD)
To Strengthen the FANSA-Bangladesh network through strengthening the civil society member organizations (CSOs) to create pressure and influence the policy makers in the WatSan sector with a view to ensuring sustainable water supply and sanitation facilities.
Activities carried out during the reporting period:
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- Publication of the translated version of Colombo Declaration
- National Convention of Grassroots 2011 & Sharing monitoring findings at national level
- FANSA- Bangladesh Strategy Development Consultation
- Workshops on Climate change impact on WatSan in relation to Right to Water
- Training on Right to Water and Sanitation
- Exposure Visit at Regional level (Network Members)
- Exposure Visit (National) in Rangamati for learning and sharing best practices
- Members Validation of FANSA Bangladesh
- Round Table Discussion on SACOSAN IV Declaration Follow Up and Country Situation
- Country Convenor Meeting in Nepal
- Annual General Meeting of FANSA Bangladesh
- National Steering Committee Meeting
Challenges faced during the program implementation:
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- During this reporting year the frequency of seasonal rainfall and storm raised little earlier which caused damages low cost latrines and superstructures
- Community people not so confident about RBA
- Some of the duty bearers perceive that right base activities are opponent of them.
- Severe scarcity of safe water and gradual decreasing ground water table
- Lack of medical support for the tertiary level arsenic patients
- Floating people is a big challenge for the successful implementation of WASH program. They used to change their places frequently to have an economical residence. As most of them are factory worker, it’s very hard to ensure them in meeting, hygiene session and other activities for the successful execution.
- Latrine supply centre owners are habituated to produce low quality latrine set in spite of monitoring.
- Latrine supply centre owner cuts their productions when they observe that voucher validated households are not coming frequently.